Sunday, January 3, 2010

New Year

Oh last year had so many up and downs but we all survived. We all learned to use a lathe. My youngest got a new kitten. My husband got his lab assistant certificate but cant find a job. My oldest son spent 2 days in ICU and 3 more days in the hospital, but is fine now. Holidays were quiet, but the time together nice.

For the new year I think we will take it one day at a time, not worry about yesterday or obsess about tomorrow, we will be happy in all God has given us, try not to change things out of our control, correct things we can, improve our minds by learning something new, be courteous of others, do things positive to improve our health, take responsibility for our own actions and do what is right. Pray God just gives us what we need to get through

Happy New Year to all

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